Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year Fireworks Painting!

I talked to the students about what they did for New Years and the majority of them said we got to watch the fireworks.  It gave me an idea that turned out wonderful.  Don't you just love it when things come together like that?  I used black construction paper and florescent tempera paint.  I did an example before I let them go for it.

Here are a few tips I told the students:
1. Make sure to hold down the paint brush with your thumb as you carry the plate at the same time to pass it to the next person.
2. Share with your neighbor.
3. When you are done, wash your hands and put your apron away.
4. Let your art dry on your desk.  Please do NOT pick it up to show me.  I will come to you.

Check out these neat pictures of the activity:

1 comment:

  1. I have three words-Cute! Cute! Cute! Thanks for sharing
